Below is the course outline for your online-referral. Please note the
groupings for assignment deadlines:
Group A = Ankenmann ----> Legge
Group B = Lilleyman -----> Upans
Course Outline, February 2012
Welcome! “This course emphasizes knowledge and skills related to the craft of writing. Students will analyse models of effective writing; use a workshop approach to produce a range of works; identify and use techniques required for specialized forms of writing; and identify effective ways to improve the quality of their writing. They will also complete a major paper as a part of a creative or analytical independent study project and investigate opportunities for publication and for writing careers.” Prerequisite: English, Grade 11, University Preparation [Source: The Ontario Curriculum Grades 11 and 12: English 2007].
The Writer’s Workshop by John Parker: This text contains writing ideas/topics, instruction in the revision process and mechanics and organizational and other writing skills, a glossary of terms, professional models, characteristics of the various genres, etc. Keep this text in your lockers/the classroom for use in class. If taken home, bring it back each day.
Achievement Categories
Weighting of Summative Evaluation
Example Strategies
Course Work
Knowledge/Understanding; Thinking; Communication; Application
Quizzes, tests, Quantity and Quality projects, freewriting presentations
Open-ended questions, organizers, Quantity and Quality projects
Open-ended questions, written responses in a variety of genres, debates, speeches, discussions, interviews, conferences, seminars, oral presentations
Quantity and Quality assignments, editing workshops/comments
Summative Evaluation
Culminating Activities: Independent Project AND Writers’ Festival AND Exam
Note Bene: The above mark distribution may be changed to suit the evolving nature of the course or changes in requirements.
Learning Skills
The following five (5) learning skills will be assessed and assigned a letter grade: Independent Work, Teamwork, Organization, Works Habits/Homework, and Initiative. E [excellent]; G [good]; S [satisfactory]; and N [needs improvement].
Quantity: -write and/or revise every day (includes assigned Quantity
assignments as well as periodic additional writing tasks)
-writing folder marked for completion and effort; teacher will take home periodically to evaluate. Daily effort is important.
Quality: -must include a variety of genres (see below)
-marked based on degree of competence and creativity
-some assignments are compulsory
-choice within some assignments
-on computer
-must show serious effort to revise: must include prewriting, drafting,
-must include rough work
Freewriting: All students must lead class instruction for a freewriting activity. Freewriting activities will be discussed and scheduled on an individual basis. We will also be having a Writer’s Festival, during which we can share our best pieces of
writing from the semester.
Tests/Exams: -assess knowledge of various kinds, forms, techniques of writing, as
well as mechanical skills when writing "under pressure" and
"on demand".
One (1) Quantity assignment is due every second Monday (or the Tuesday if there is no school on the Monday for any reason). The first due date for assignments will be (Tuesday) 21 February 2012 for everyone. Thereafter, the due dates will be staggered by class groupings (see below). Quality assignment due dates will be negotiated on an individual basis as the course progresses and you develop a body of work. Keep in mind that you will need to do five (4) Quality assignments in addition to nine (8) Quantity assignments over the course of the semester!!!
Group A Group B
Tuesday Feb. 21 Tuesday Feb. 21
Monday Feb. 27 Monday Mar. 5
Monday Mar. 19 Monday Mar. 26
Monday Apr. 2 Tuesday Apr. 10
Monday Apr. 16 8 Quantity Monday Apr. 23
Monday Apr. 30 Assignments Monday May 7
Monday May 28 Monday June 4
N.B. Assignments must be handed in on time...unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the teacher. GHSS policy is 15% maximum deduction up to 3 days after the due date. After that time, a mark of zero will be given.
Genre Choices
Use the text as well as direction/instruction/models provided by the teacher and your editor(s).
Students must complete a total of eight (8) Quantity assignments from the following list of choices. These should include seven (7) different genres. Students are also required to complete four (4) Quality assignments. These may be polished versions of any of the Quantity assignments or an original piece of work.
Caveat! Even though there is “only” a total of 12 assignments outlined here, there will be other assignments periodically which you must complete. It is imperative that you remain on task and self-motivated to be successful in this course and to get all course work completed. Budget your time wisely!
Use this sheet to keep track of what assignments you’ve done, marks received. Keep it in your portfolio.
Author’s Name: ______________________________________________________
Genre Choices
Text Chapter(s)
Assignment Number/
Submission Date/
Mark Received
Research Report
12, 13
| ||
Letters: e-mails, editor, business, application [includes résumé]
17, 18, 20
| ||
Fiction [short story, screenplay, children’s literature]
1, 6
| ||
1, 2, 7, 8, 10
| ||
Exposition: essay, demand, informative, argumentative
3, 4, 5, 16
| ||
Prose Description
| ||
7, 8
| ||
Review [concert, play, film/DVD, CD, game, etc.]
| ||
Journalism [news article report, feature article]
| ||
10, 11
N.B. Seven (7) different genres must be chosen to do eight (8) Quantity assignments. You will also be required to do some other minor activities for a Quantity grade.
The dates for the four (4) polished Quality assignments will be negotiated on an individual basis. Two will be due in one term and three will be due in the other term.
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